Just as hard as it is to choose a care option of choice, is understanding home care fees and how to pay for the home care services at your disposal and the different financial options you can explore. We understand that in choosing to receive care at home, you get to stay close to your social circles and retain a high degree of independence and we also understand that all this is dependent on the ability to access the right level of care, and one that you can afford.

You & I Care Ltd offers the required advice on the different financial options you can access to fund your care and support. Our care packages are designed based on your unique care needs and you pay only as agreed, without any added extras. In assessing your needs therefore, we have a comprehensive and informed discussion to best help you decide.

We ensure cost effectiveness and affordability in our costs while achieving best performance.

At You & I Care Ltd we offer a competitive and affordable home service where you can rest assured of our highly trained and competent staff who have had a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), which includes police and reference checks prior to being recruited.

Whatever your need is, we will work with you to help your home service needs.

Please contact our friendly team to discuss your requirements, so that we can give you a quote according to your requirements.

Personal Budgets are an allocation of funding given to you by your local council authority after an assessment sufficient enough to meet your assessed needs.

As such, you may be eligible for financial help for your care needs. After assessing you and arriving at a conclusion that you require assistance with your personal care, your local authority will allocate to you a personal budget. The amount of money that you receive is dependent on your financial circumstances.

However with all the rigorous paper work that might be involved, and considering that you might not be in position to do all the work involved, our team at You & I Care Ltd have the knowledge to help you understand your entitlements and also decide the best option for you. Our team is experienced and in position to offer you the best help you can get.

Direct payment: This is the funding you get from your local authority is flexible and you decide the type of service you want, based on your need and wants.

You can use your allocated funds from the local authority as direct payment i.e. cash is paid to you or someone you choose to act on your behalf. This cash can only be used to pay for those services you personally need for example personal care, day care, employ someone you know or you can talk to us for a wide range of service for you to choose from.

Alternatively, you may choose that your local authority retains the money and pays for the services you need or, you may choose to have part of the money where you can buy other services you may require from other providers.

You & I Care Ltd gives you great control over your cash, with a wide range of care options to choose from. You & I Care Ltd shoulders the burden of looking for care workers, training them and equipping them with all the necessary skills to provide you with professional, safe and best quality service.

Your local authority is legally obliged to provide certain levels of assistance if you are entitled to state or part-funded care. However, there is no such legal obligation if you pay for your own care.

With self-funding, you fund the care services yourself. Such funds can come from various sources that may include personal savings, money borrowed from friends and families or from your benefits etc.

Care and support services are means-tested and are not free to everyone. Most people have to pay something towards their own care and some will have to pay for all of the costs. Who pays depends on what your needs are, how much money you have, and what level and type of care and support you require.

Before you do anything, it’s well worth double-checking that you’re claiming all the state and other benefits you’re entitled to. Make sure you’ve exhausted all the local authority and health authority funding options too.

Paying for either short-term or long-term care is a fact of life for many people, whether you choose to stay in your own home or not. Fortunately, there are benefits available to help you manage.

Here at You & I Care Ltd we believe that care should be affordable for anyone who needs it and we have the best team to advise you on the various services you can choose from. We will discuss your existing benefits and savings with you in the strictest confidence and assist you in making informed choices.


At You & I Care Ltd it is our goal to ensure that you feel free and comfortable with our fees. We ensure that you are able to discuss your payment options when you enquire about our services. Payment options will be discussed and agreed with you during your assessment so that you pay exactly for agreed services.

If you are paying for your own care and support services, You & I Care Ltd will invoice you or the person you have nominated to act on your behalf directly.

If you opt for your local authority to completely take charge of your personal budget we will then invoice your local authority and you have nothing to worry about.

If you have a care plan insurance to pay for your care and support needs we will invoice your insurance company who will normally pay us directly. We will assist you with the paperwork if you wish us to do so.

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