We believe that complaints and compliments are a valuable indicator of the quality of our service and an opportunity to improve that quality. We assure all service uses that no one will be victimized for making a complaint, and we encourage service users to instigate the complaint procedure whenever they feel that this is necessary. We do not wish to confine complaints to major issues. We encourage services users to comment when relatively minor matters are a problem to them, such as receiving cold food, or being kept waiting without explanation, or being spoken to in a manner that they do not like. It is our policy that all matters which disturb or upset a service user should be reported, recorded, and corrective action should be taken. Only in that way can we work towards meeting our aim of continuously improving our services.

Our commitments are that:

  • All complaints will be taken seriously.
  • All complaints will be acted upon with fairness and impartiality.
  • You will receive a response within 24 hours of the complaint being made, and a final reply within 28 days.
  • If the complaint is upheld, you will receive a written apology and appropriate action will be taken to rectify the complaint, and you will be informed of what that action is.
  • Service users are entitled to involve an impartial third party in the complaint procedure if they so wish.
  • Service users and their representatives may take their complaints to persons in authority outside the Agency. For service users funded all or in part by Social Services or the Primary Care Trust, complaints may in the first instance be directed to them. For privately funded clients, a range of advocacy services are available locally and they will be happy to help you deal with the complaint. In the event of a serious issue and complaint, you should contact the CQC.


You & I Care Ltd is committed to supporting vulnerable people so that they can continue their lives with dignity and independence and be participating members of their own communities.  You & I Care Ltd is committed to meeting the needs of those people entrusted to our care. Usually, we see no conflict between meeting the needs of service users and those of workers. Where such conflict exists, the needs of service users must take precedence. The core values underlying our support to vulnerable people include;


  • Privacy: The care worker recognizes your right to be left alone, undisturbed and free from intrusion and public attention. You have the right to privacy with regard to both your personal affairs and belongings. Written permission will be sought for access to your records.
  • Confidentiality of information: Your rights to confidentiality will be safeguarded. The care worker will not disclose any personal information about you to a third party unless this has been agreed with you. Agreement to disclose information should only be sought if it is for your benefit, e.g. for the purpose of assisting in your support.
  • Fulfillment of aspirations: Your social, emotional, cultural, political and sexual needs are accepted and respected.
  • Consultation: You will be consulted about daily living arrangement and enabled to participate in discussion about any proposed changes to those arrangements. You will be fully involved in and fully informed with respect to the individual assessment of our support needs. You have a right to be involved in a careful and thorough assessment of your needs and wishes, and to be informed of the outcome. You & Care Ltd’s commitment will be to find the best and most cost effective way of meeting your needs and aspiration. You will be supported o make choices about the future, this will be incorporated into your care plan.
  • Personal choice: Your care will support you to exercise your personal choice in opportunities and lifestyle. The care will ensure that you are central to all decisions being made. If, for reasons of mental frailty, you are not able to participate fully in service user planning, consideration will nevertheless be given to your wishes, as far as these are expressed and are practical. We welcome designated advocates in this context. Account will also be taken of the needs and rights of carers to lead their lives without unreasonable levels of demand and stress.
  • Review: You will have a regular review of your individual circumstances with the Agency.
  • Services Information: You will be fully informed about the services provided by You & Care Ltd.
  • Legal Rights: You will be fully informed about your legal rights.
  • Medication: You will be fully informed about your medication needs and supported in making decisions in relation to the medical treatment whenever possible.
  • Family and Friends: You will be supported to maintain access to family, friends, facilities and the overall community.
  • Complaints: You will have access to a formal complaint procedure and will be able to be represented by a friend or adviser if you wish.
  • Supporting your Independence: You will be supported to take risks on the basis of your own, informed opinion. You will have the opportunity to think, act and make decisions. This will include the capacity to incur a degree of calculated risk.
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