Palliative care

What is palliative care?
Palliative care is an interdisciplinary form of care aimed at improving the quality of life of patients and their families, who are facing problems associated with life-threatening illness. Palliative care is focused on providing relief from symptoms, pain and stress of a serious illness, offering a support system that keeps the recipient of palliative care as comfortable and active as possible until death.
About You & I Care’s Palliative care
You & I Care LTD provides palliative care as part of a comprehensive supportive care framework defined by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) enabling the patient and their family to cope with their condition and treatment of it right from pre-diagnosis, through the process of diagnosis and treatment, to cure, continuing illness or death and into bereavement.
You & I care provides palliative care at home. A comfortable family home allows one to spend their precious time in surroundings full of love and good memories. We make this possible whether as a respite to allow loved ones to take a break or as round-the-clock loving care. Our Carers is always there with passion, helping the patient to maximize the benefits of treatment and to live as well as possible with the effects of the disease. This is given equal priority alongside diagnosis and treatment.
You & I Care’s palliative care therefore encompasses;
- Self help and support
- User involvement
- Information giving
- Psychological support
- Symptom control
- Social support
- Rehabilitation
- Complementary therapies
- Spiritual support
- End of life and bereavement care
All, aiming to;
- Affirm life and regard dying as a normal process
- Provide relief from pain and other distressing symptoms
- Integrate the psychological and spiritual aspects of patient care
- Offer a support system to help patients live as actively as possible until death
Offer a support system to help the family cope during the patient’s illness and in their own bereavement.
You & I Care's Process
Our Process ensures that the care we provide is personalised
to the unique needs of an individual Service User.
Contact Us
You contact us and we have a chat to gain insight into your needs.
Needs Assessment
We Carry out an assessment to best understand your needs.
Care Plan
We develop your care plan, entailing all that we need to do.
Start Care
Once a care plan is in place, we commence work.